Estate Planning

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

What is estate planning?

It’s taking the time to be mindful of what you would like your future to look like and what you would like the future of your family to look like, regardless of circumstances. An estate plan can ensure your wishes are honored and your loved ones are provided for in your absence or incapacity. It also allows you to choose who you would like to make decisions for you and provide guidance to that person if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. We plan for family vacations, why not take time to plan for life’s most important events?

One of the primary goals of estate planning achieves is to transfer-

the RIGHT assets

to the RIGHT people

at the RIGHT time

in the RIGHT way.

Why should it matter to me?

It truly is a gift to your loved ones. It allows for a more orderly process in the aftermath of a difficult event, when circumstances are often emotionally charged. It provides peace of mind and a road map to follow. Your family can benefit by:

  • Peace of mind for loved ones, knowing that your wishes are being carried out accordingly.

  • Taking the uncertainty out of the process so family members and friends have time to properly grieve.

  • Assurance that minor children will be properly taken care of and provided for.

  • Leaving your loved ones friends, with less chance for conflict.


Our First Meeting


Wills & Trusts